International Congress for Radiation Research (ICRR)
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KUBTEC Scientific
August 27, 2023
NEW Products, NEW Technologies, NEW Innovations.
It's time to rethink Irradiation Technology. Join us for an exciting launch of our NEW X-ray irradiator at the 17th International Congress for Radiation Research (ICRR) Meeting where KUBTEC® will be exhibiting.
Be the first to see the NEW reveal and grab a "KUB-Cake" to satisfy your sweet cravings at Booth #1 on Sunday, August 27th at 10.05 a.m. EST. Don't forget to attend our CTO's talk during the Painter Debate Lunch on Wednesday 8/30 at 12.15 p.m. to learn about our latest innovation. Stop by our booth any time from Aug 27 - 30,2023 at Palais des congrès de Montréal.
Our X-ray irradiators cover a wide spectrum of applications. Examples include small animal studies, cell research, agricultural research and food safety research. X-ray irradiators are seen as the direct replacement for gamma and cesium irradiators which emit harmful isotopes.
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